Our greatest resource; our people
Our greatest resource; our people
Signed in as:
So what is First Nation YouthBuild Canada?
The mission of YouthBuild International is to unleash the intelligence and positive energy of low-income young people to rebuild their communities and their lives.
First Nation YouthBuild Canada has now joined with others to help build a movement toward a more just society in which respect, love, responsibility, and cooperation are the dominant unifying values, and sufficient opportunities are available for all people in all communities to fulfill their own potential and contribute to the well-being of others.
The intelligence and positive energy of young people need to be liberated and enlisted in solving the problems facing our society. Young people in low-income communities want to rebuild their neighborhoods and lives, and will do so if given the opportunity. The desire to serve, to do meaningful work that is of value to other people, is universal. Community-based organizations need the resources to solve local problems and to mobilize local people, including neighborhood youth. Leadership development is a central element of effective community development and youth service.
Build a broad network of YouthBuild programs across Canada and continue to be apart of the broader countries. Ensure their excellence through providing funding, staff training, on-site technical assistance, publications, quality assurance systems, reflection on best practices, peer support, innovation, and relevant research on impact.
Lead and support the First Nation YouthBuild Canada and Affiliated Network as the center of gravity of the YouthBuild movement in Canada, and build similar national networks abroad.
Organize national and state coalitions in support of public policies and resources that support YouthBuild programs and facilitate youth and community development.
Link this network with other like-minded networks for maximum learning and impact.
Attract, inspire, develop, and organize new young leaders and sophisticated adult leaders within low-income communities.
Spread the philosophy and methodology of youth leadership development as a central part of working with youth in all contexts, including education, job training, national service, crime prevention, and counseling.
In early 2016 a meeting was held in the Nisichawayasihk Cree Nation to produce a detailed list of priorities for the ATEC centre. ATEC invited YouthBuild International (YBI) and Lockheed martin to assist in the exercise. During their visit YBI was introduced to ATEC's Intake Education Training Pathway (IETP). Long story short...by end of Jan 2016 we became the first, First Nation in Canada by signing an MoU as a YB site. Check out our photos below to see some projects we worked on.
The YouthBuild International (YBI) mission is to unleash the intelligence and positive energy of young people to transform their lives and rebuild their communities. YBI provides technical resources to support the planning and implementation of locally operated YouthBuild programs and scaled networks of national, and regional YouthBuild programs outside of the United States. YBI also builds the capacity of local, national, and regional partners who have assessed the need for and potential impact of YouthBuild and who lead the process of adaptation and implementation.
Since 1999, YouthBuild ideas and practices have directly influenced the youth sectors in 32 different countries. These early engagements laid the foundation for the YBI present day scope of work where, in 22 countries, local partners are now implementing adapted YouthBuild programs. In 11 of these 22 country locations, YouthBuild partners are planning for second stage expansion of the model. These programs are being implemented in rural and urban settings, located in developing countries, emerging economies and industrialized nations.
Common features of the YouthBuild International operating context:
YBI operations and the YouthBuild work of country-based implementing partners is supported by a range of financial resources from individuals, foundations, corporations, bi-and multilateral donor institutions, the US Government (USAID, USDOL, and US Department of State), development banks, national governments and local municipalities. The national governments in six countries support the operational costs of local YouthBuild programs.
There are currently 360 YouthBuild programs around the globe:
Bradley Greyeyes of the Nisichawayasihk Cree Nation Speaks about the opportunity and passion behind his career choice at ATEC and continues on his journey of excellence as an ambassador of the First Nation YouthBuild Canada Model and has just returned from a trip to Philadelphia to speak with 12 other countries on the initiative. + long-term focus and leadership of local youth
Maryann Linklater speaks about where she grew up, her family and has been an ambassador for the Nisichawayasihk Cree Nation speaking about the importance of the First Nation YouthBuild Canada movement and has just returned from a trip to Philadelphia.
Trent Linklater is 23 years old and has completed his level 1 carpenter and is currently working on an energy efficient solar 8 plex for the local Medicine Lodge.
Alvin Moore is a Level 2 Carpenter, working to build Efficient Homes for NCN.
The leadership of local youth and long-term focus.
ATEC students working with its sister for-profit company Pewapun Construction Ltd., to build local NCN homes. Long-term focus and leadership of local youth
We will continue to work towards the goals that makes sense to us as a Nation.